Thursday, July 28, 2011

Summer Goals Requiring a bit more Summer Soul

This summer has been a bit torn in productivity. I had quite the list of goals that began in May:
Reread Harry Potter series before last movie
Horseback Riding
Many adventures
Survive Summer Session
Write more
Read more
Tap into art more
Get fit
Save money
Figure out what to do with my life post-graduation

July is about to end and this is all I've accomplished:
Survived Summer Session
Read more
Halfway done with Harry Potter series (regrettably most of the reading of this was done after the movie had already come out)

Not even half of the list has been achieved. Slightly disappointing.

I've now, however, revised how I should make these goals: learning how to prioritize. I'm trying get myself to a place where I can make a habit to put aside time for each of these things I love to do, but often don't bother much with because I'll waste away the day lazily "hanging out" or sleeping.

What needs to be priority:
quiet time
eating better/exercising regularly

Why do I need priorities? Because it'll really drive a feeling a purpose and further enforce that I do, in fact, have one. It's easy to overlook how purposeful you're really supposed to be living when you have a season of summer in front of you with little to no commitments and obligations attached to every coming day.