Monday, September 21, 2009

It's been a while...

Well I haven't written anything on here since May, a bit neglectful. My current state: sprawled on my bed wrapped in a blanket, Gilmore Girls playing in the background, and my mind constantly reminding me of the exam I have yet to study for... I continue to procrastinate in posting another entry on my blog I've clearly forsaken. Oh well, heres just a little something:

After hearts ache, and tears fall, we gain something we didn't quite have before: clarity. All the sudden that negative veil is torn away and we get to look around. Really look around and take in all the colors and all the life we've been given. Then you feel something voluntary: a smile, a wide, infectious, smile. It doesn't stop there, our lungs independently release laughter, all that's left are squinty eyes, a lack of oxygen, and shaking shoulders. "Haaaah...", a deep, hardly audible sigh conquers the giggles, and eyelids sink down, closing over the last sliver of the visual spectrum. The only words you can say are: "thank you.  Thank you! THANK YOU!", your lips still rested in that curve - and then all you can yell is: "PRAISE YOU! PRAISE YOU! PRAISE YOU!" Because the clarity is His, our great God's. He removes our flaws so we can see through his filter: love

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Romantic Notions, Gray Lights, and longing of French pastries.

This morning was beautiful. 
I didn't sleep a wink last night, instead I finished a book. A fictional novel, and of course there was love, I'm a hopeless romantic if there ever was one. I checked the time after my eyes gobbled up the last sentence, and it was just after 7. I heard quick footsteps on the hardwood downstairs, so I knew my mother had already awoken. Running off the high one gets from finishing a good book (though there was the after taste of remorse because it is, of course, finished), I pranced downstairs and put on a pot of coffee.
After enduring the warm smell of the
 brewing joe, it quickly finished it's business and allowed me access. Today there was going to be a treat to accompany my cup of addiction. Elly's coffee cake. I snuck a piece into a bag before leaving her house last night. That girl never disappointed me more when she said, "I want to be a nurse" instead of, "I want to open a bakery"; honestly, God himself takes over her hands when she begins to bake. 
I set out the coffee and it's pastry guest (the pair remind me of how often the pleasure of a pianist can really compliment a violin) on the screen porch, not long later my mother joined me. She told me all about the dinner party she through last night, and how her engaged - to be married next week, no less - friend didn't refrain from openly flirting, watching, and touching her incessantly, despite the fact that her own man was standing right there (he was obviously displeased). 
After she gabbed about the various gossip amongst her friends, she left
 me on the porch. I let out a sigh, the kind of sigh you have when you're perfectly comfortable and happy with that particular moment in time. The humidity hadn't kicked in yet, though anyone could feel it's threat hanging in the air. The skies were a dull, but tranquil, tone of gray and I got to enjoy the view of the field, trees, and honeysuckle climbing our fence taking on darker shades of color than those that the sun typically exploits. 
It reminded me of Newport Beach (California), where gray mornings are a regular occurrence. This kind of morning would have been just right for a
 walk with a light sweatshirt (because there is no hint of humidity there). There
 would be a breeze, because what is the ocean without a breeze, and though you hadn't quite reached the coast yet, and there was still a mile or two, the familiar smell, and even taste, of salt lingered throughout the atmosphere. And tucked next to Pacific Coast Hwy is Cest'Sie Bon, a mouth-watering and inexpensive French bakery. I was resolutely committed to the cinnamon twists - perfectly flakey, not too sweet, with a light blanket of powdered sugar on top. The coffee wasn't as wonderful, but Starbucks conveniently located themselves across the street. 

This morning was definitely a little present from God, and if I had gone to sleep, I would have missed it. He has just been blessing me and surprising me this week. My plans completely transformed from just a week ago. I had been planning on coming back to Boone, sub-leasing an apartment with my friend, taking a class or two, and working as much as I could. Sunday night, however, I crashed the Germany Missions meeting, just to see everyone since I knew the team, and I walked out knowing God wanted me to go. I never thought that would happen because I haven't had any interest or calling to go back to Germany until last Sunday, and now I couldn't be more excited. I just have to secure a job here, which Chick-Fil-A will hopefully handle, and raise and save a extraordinary amount of money. I'm thrilled to be going back, it's a pretty small team this year, and God is just going to use us in an amazing way, I know it.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Friday, May 1, 2009

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


The semester started with a pair of unfamiliar and almost curious, American Eagle jeans sitting atop my unsuspecting bed. 
I had a hunch they belonged to my room mate, Michelle -- I was right.
The semester ended with Michelle's entire person sitting, very comfortably, on my bed.
I didn't need any hunches for that. 

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Prickles and Sweatshirts.

Missing my sunny (and warm) backyard:

...But I don't mind Boone all that much.

Peeling skin, junior mints, sunny skies, and leg warmers. 
All potentially promising ingredients for a mental health day, with the exception of "peeling skin".
A walk to Espresso News, fill up on caffeine, and glance over a fictional sentence or two. 
I think I'll end the day with a good homemade meal, nothing beats the satisfaction and taste of food prepared (properly) with a pair of hands. 

Tuesday, April 21, 2009