Monday, September 21, 2009

It's been a while...

Well I haven't written anything on here since May, a bit neglectful. My current state: sprawled on my bed wrapped in a blanket, Gilmore Girls playing in the background, and my mind constantly reminding me of the exam I have yet to study for... I continue to procrastinate in posting another entry on my blog I've clearly forsaken. Oh well, heres just a little something:

After hearts ache, and tears fall, we gain something we didn't quite have before: clarity. All the sudden that negative veil is torn away and we get to look around. Really look around and take in all the colors and all the life we've been given. Then you feel something voluntary: a smile, a wide, infectious, smile. It doesn't stop there, our lungs independently release laughter, all that's left are squinty eyes, a lack of oxygen, and shaking shoulders. "Haaaah...", a deep, hardly audible sigh conquers the giggles, and eyelids sink down, closing over the last sliver of the visual spectrum. The only words you can say are: "thank you.  Thank you! THANK YOU!", your lips still rested in that curve - and then all you can yell is: "PRAISE YOU! PRAISE YOU! PRAISE YOU!" Because the clarity is His, our great God's. He removes our flaws so we can see through his filter: love

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